FSGP Gallery


To add this design to your art collection, please choose your preferred size and print style below.

The ‘Faux Stained Glass Pane’ print style is highly translucent. When backlit by a window or other lightsource, it recreates the stunning, luminous appearance of stained glass.

The ‘Wall-mounted’ print style is for display on a wall or in a primarily frontlit environment. Each print in the wall-mounted style has the vibrance and depth that has popularized this medium for displaying modern decorative art and photographic prints.

In either case, your selected design will be printed to exacting standards with UV inks on premium acrylic stock to create a striking work of art designed for fidelity and durability.

Once Style and Size are selected, available options will appear below.

Product total

Options total

Grand total

Print Style
Faux Stained Glass
Traditional Acrylic
Snap Frame Print
Faux Stained Glass8x8$71.02
Faux Stained Glass12x12$77.72
Faux Stained Glass18x18$140.7
Faux Stained Glass24x24$170.18
Traditional Acrylic8x8$75.04
Traditional Acrylic12x12$80.36
Traditional Acrylic18x18$138.02
Traditional Acrylic24x24$170.18
Snap Frame Print24x24$609.7
Snap Frame Print30x30$704.84
Snap Frame Print36x36$931.3
Snap Frame Print42x42$1479.36
Snap Frame Print48x48$1495.44


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